AI×EV | Grid Transportation system | 01.July.2017
Concept | Adam&Eve
Presented by Satoshi Wada SWdesignLinkIcon

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"Genesis" An era of new migration is coming. We propose how to move in a grid society adapted to environmental measures.

Ai's design role
Create an opportunity to revive the human sensibility that you can possess.
Reconstruction of next-generation social norms.
Reconstruction of human senses. Emotions, humanity and other opportunities to revive important feelings that modern society is losing.

Consideration of Next Generation Mobility | Grid Mobility
The next generation of Evolved Mobility is based on natural energy and Human×Ai control
It aims for smooth and efficient movement of society, living by making the basis of operation.
Concept that mobility relates to energy management more.
Concept called Grid Mobility.

Operation of Robotics
The next generation Mobility's way of thinking includes Ai as a brain, robotics as a platform
Organize the concept. System robotics platform.
Secure safety associated with Ai.
Secure safety associated with Ai due to aging.

Concept of Energy
Management of energy that also serves as the source of our lives.
Increase self-sufficiency of energy.
Build a grid-based energy control system from the concept of dynamics
Creating an essential ecological social system with the main objective of environmentally conscious natural energy operation.

Approach to Vision
Design contributes to living and society's culture and emotion creation.
Try to design based on humanity and humanity.
To create a society where human and nature can emphasize.
To create a little happy society.